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This is Doug's page for the Hypertext Course (Information Media 1998)
Douglas C. Engelbart

Doug now has his own think-tank,
where they have
a full bibliography of Doug's work.
Doug Engelbart is one of the very great men of our time.  He invented the idea of reading and writing at computer screens in 1957; he invented word processing, outline processing, text links, and (unfortunately*) the computer mouse.  But he thinks of all these things in much broader terms he calls his vision of all this "the augmentation of human intellect," and believes that we have hardly begun. Doug's vision spans a great spectrum of what we need for the human mind and work: individual work, empowering workgroups, making human intellect more deeply powerful.
Doug Engelbart under the arbor at his home

This year (1998) is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the incredible presentation he gave at a major computer conference, in which he showed two people working together at shared computer screens many miles apart.  Not only was this a radical idea at the time, but the fact that the demo succeeded with the equipment of that day still seems a miracle.  (There will be a conference at Stanford University on December 9 in honor of that anniversary.)

Doug with his chord keyboard 
A lot of people love the mouse, but resent having to type at the keyboard, then pick up the mouse, then reach back to the keyboard, over and over.  Doug foresaw that problem in the nineteen-sixties, and built a little keyboard on which he can type with one hand while he uses the mouse with the other.
Closeup of the chord keyboard (from the above picture)
Sadly, such a keyboard is still not available: no manufacturer has had the intelligence or foresight to make available such a simple thing.

Doug's recent visit to Keio SFC

Doug Engelbart at the SFC faculty club, with (right to left): Yoshiko Saito, unknown male student, Ted Nelson.