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Latest zizl!

OK folks, here's the latest zizl release - it can now talk to your web
browser (defaults to Netscape, edit the $BROWSER constant for others)
and can open separate browser windows for each ZZ cursor.  Note that
Lynx works but isn't usable because it doesn't handle the <TABLE> tag.
Also note that if you start zizl while logged into a remote system it
will bring up the display on your local copy of Netscape if you already
have it running (and of course if the DISPLAY environment variable is
set correctly - ssh will do this for you automatically).  Mondo cool!

Next step: add user interaction.

Share and enjoy,
		*** Xanni ***
mailto:xanni@xxxxxxxxxx                         Andrew Pam
http://www.xanadu.com.au/                       Technical VP, Xanadu
http://www.glasswings.com.au/                   Technical Editor, Glass Wings
http://www.sericyb.com.au/sc/                   Manager, Serious Cybernetics
P.O. Box 26, East Melbourne VIC 8002 Australia  Phone +61 3 96511511
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Xanadu(R) Zigzag(tm) Hyperstructure Kit HTML interface, $Revision: 0.5 $
# Designed by Ted Nelson
# Programmed by Andrew Pam ("xanni") and Bek Oberin ("gossamer")
# Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Project Xanadu
# This is only a partial implementation, with only a few structure and view
# operations; however, they are enough to allow you to create, view and explore
# complex multidimensional structures in quantum hyperspace.
# A forthcoming tutorial will present you with strange spaces to explore,
# beginning with easy 2D concepts, the peculiar geography of this system and
# operating recommendations for getting around in it comfortably and changing
# your structures without losing cells or losing track of your stuff.  (This
# will emphasize pragmatic adaptations to the peculiarities of this limited
# implementation.)
# Forthcoming documentation will explain the space, the theory, structure
# operations, view operations, and the official planned extensions.
# For more information, visit http://www.xanadu.net/zz/
# ===================== Change Log
# Inital zigzag implementation
# $Id: zizl,v 0.5 1999/01/27 18:36:36 xanni Exp $
# $Log: zizl,v $
# Revision 0.5  1999/01/27 18:36:36  xanni
# Implemented start page, browser communication, clean server shutdown
# Revision 0.4  1999/01/27 14:08:12  xanni
# Implemented simple web server
# Revision 0.3  1999/01/26 06:09:46  xanni
# Implemented quad view
# Revision 0.2  1999/01/26 03:44:02  xanni
# Rewrote code to generate HTML directly
# Revision 0.1  1999/01/07 16:21:16  xanni
# First prototype

use integer;
use strict;
use POSIX;
use HTTP::Daemon;	# See Perl-modules for installation instructions
use HTTP::Status;

use Zigzag;

# Note: We are using the following coding conventions:
# Constants are named in ALLCAPS
# Global variables are named with Initial Caps
# Local variables and functions are named in lowercase
# Put brackets around all function arguments
# Prototype the number and type of arguments expected by functions
# Matching braces should line up with each other vertically
# Use the $TRUE and $FALSE constants instead of "1" and "0"

# Define constants
#my ($VERSION) = q$Revision: 0.5 $ =~ /([\d\.]+)/;
my $VERSION = q$Id: zizl,v 0.5 1999/01/27 18:36:36 xanni Exp $;
my $FALSE = 0;
my $TRUE = !$FALSE;
my $BGCOLOR = "#FFFFFF";	# White background
my $BROWSER = "netscape";	# Web browser to start
my $GUIDE = "guide.gif";	# Filename of dimension guide
my $CELLS_PER_WIN = 5;          # Number of cells displayed across each window
my $COMMAND_SYNC_COUNT = 20;    # Sync the DB after this many commands

# Declare globals
my $daemon;			# HTTP server socket
my $Zigzag_Terminated;          # True when interrupted by a signal

# Initialise global zigzag data structures
my %Keymap_Directions =
  ( # Direction key mappings
    "s"		=> "0L",
    "S"		=> "0L",
    "f"		=> "0R",
    "F"		=> "0R",
    "e"		=> "0U",
    "E"		=> "0U",
    "c"		=> "0D",
    "C"		=> "0D",
    "d"		=> "0I",
    "D"		=> "0O",
    "j"		=> "1L",
    "J"		=> "1L",
#    &KEY_LEFT	=> "1L",
    "l"		=> "1R",
    "L"		=> "1R",
#    &KEY_RIGHT	=> "1R",
    "i"		=> "1U",
    "I"		=> "1U",
#    &KEY_UP	=> "1U",
    ","		=> "1D",
#    &KEY_DOWN	=> "1D",
    "k"		=> "1I",
#    &KEY_PPAGE	=> "1I",
    "K"		=> "1O",
#    &KEY_NPAGE	=> "1O",

my %Keymap =
  ( # Keyboard mappings
    "\r"		=> 'atcursor_execute(0);',
    "\n"		=> 'atcursor_execute(0);',
    "<"			=> '@_ = input_get_direction(); atcursor_import(@_) if $_[0];',
    ">"			=> '@_ = input_get_direction(); atcursor_export(@_) if $_[0];',
    chr(127)		=> 'atcursor_delete(1);',
#    &KEY_DC		=> 'atcursor_delete(1);',
#    &KEY_BACKSPACE	=> 'input_process_backspace();',
    meta_key("s")	=> 'atcursor_hop(0, "L");',
    meta_key("f")	=> 'atcursor_hop(0, "R");',
    meta_key("e")	=> 'atcursor_hop(0, "U");',
    meta_key("c")	=> 'atcursor_hop(0, "D");',
    meta_key("D")	=> 'atcursor_edit(0);',
    meta_key("d")	=> 'atcursor_edit(0);',
    "\cD"		=> 'atcursor_edit(0);',
    meta_key("j")	=> 'atcursor_hop(1, "L");',
    meta_key("l")	=> 'atcursor_hop(1, "R");',
    meta_key("i")	=> 'atcursor_hop(1, "U");',
    meta_key(",")	=> 'atcursor_hop(1, "D");',
    meta_key("K")	=> 'atcursor_edit(1);',
    meta_key("k")	=> 'atcursor_edit(1);',
    "\cK"		=> 'atcursor_edit(1);',
    "b"			=> '@_ = input_get_direction(); atcursor_break_link(@_) if $_[0];',
    "G"			=> 'cursor_jump_input(get_cursor(0));',
    "g"			=> 'cursor_jump_input(get_cursor(1));',
#    &KEY_HOME		=> 'cursor_jump_input(get_cursor(1));',
    "h"			=> '@_ = input_get_direction(); atcursor_hop(@_) if $_[0];',
    "\cL"		=> 'display_refresh(curscr()); $@ = "";',
    "M"			=> 'atcursor_select(0);',
    "m"			=> 'atcursor_select(1);',
    meta_key("m")	=> 'rotate_selection()',
    meta_key("M")	=> 'push_selection()',
    "N"			=> 'cell_create(0);',
#    &KEY_IC		=> 'cell_create(0);',
    "n"			=> 'cell_create(1);',
    "Q"			=> 'view_quadrant_toggle(0);',
    "q"			=> 'view_quadrant_toggle(1);',
    "R"			=> 'view_reset(0);',
    "r"			=> 'view_reset(1);',
    "T"			=> 'atcursor_clone(0);',
    "t"			=> 'atcursor_clone(1);',
    meta_key("T")	=> 'atcursor_copy(0);',
    meta_key("t")	=> 'atcursor_copy(1);',
    "V"			=> 'view_raster_toggle(0);',
    "v"			=> 'view_raster_toggle(1);',
    "\cV"		=> 'display_status_draw(version());',
    meta_key("V")	=> 'display_status_draw(version());',
    meta_key("v")	=> 'display_status_draw(version());',
    "X"			=> 'view_rotate(0, "X");',
    "x"			=> 'view_rotate(1, "X");',
    "\cX"		=> '$Zigzag_Terminated = "^X";',
    meta_key("X")	=> 'view_flip(0, "X");',
    meta_key("x")	=> 'view_flip(1, "X");',
    "Y"			=> 'view_rotate(0, "Y");',
    "y"			=> 'view_rotate(1, "Y");',
    meta_key("Y")	=> 'view_flip(0, "Y");',
    meta_key("y")	=> 'view_flip(1, "Y");',
    "Z"			=> 'view_rotate(0, "Z");',
    "z"			=> 'view_rotate(1, "Z");',
    meta_key("Z")	=> 'view_flip(0, "Z");',
    meta_key("z")	=> 'view_flip(1, "Z");',

# Some helper functions

sub version()
  return "zizl version $VERSION (Zigzag $Zigzag::VERSION)";

sub meta_key($)
# This is just a little helper macro, returns the META/ALT key code
  return(chr(ord($_[0]) | 0x80)); 

sub cursor_jump_input($)
# Jump cursor to $Input_Buffer
# Or to 0 if no input buffer.
  my $dest = defined($Input_Buffer) ? $Input_Buffer : 0;
  cursor_jump($_[0], $dest);
  undef $Input_Buffer;

sub atcursor_edit($)
# Invoke an external text editor to edit the cell under a given cursor
  my $cell = get_lastcell(get_lastcell(get_cursor($_[0]), "-d.cursor"), "-d.clone");

sub atcursor_import(@)
# Import cells from a text file
  my $curs = get_cursor($_[0]);
  my $cell = get_lastcell($curs, "-d.cursor");
  my $dim = get_dimension($curs, $_[1]);

  # Not in the Cursor dimension!
  return if $dim eq "d.cursor";

sub atcursor_export(@)
# Export cells to a text file
  my $curs = get_cursor($_[0]);
  my $dim = get_dimension($curs, $_[1]);
  my $start = get_lastcell($curs, "-d.cursor");

# Functions that are implemented using a particular user interface toolkit
# Named: display_*
sub display_open()
# (Re)initialise display
  $Hcells = $CELLS_PER_WIN;
  $Vcells = $CELLS_PER_WIN;
  $daemon = new HTTP::Daemon;

  my $url = $daemon->url;
  my $rc = $TRUE;

  $rc = system "$BROWSER -remote 'openURL($url)' 2>/dev/null"
    if $BROWSER =~ /netscape/;
  $rc = system "$BROWSER $url &" if $rc and $BROWSER;
  print "Please contact me at: <URL:", $url, ">\n" if $rc;

  # Mark all windows dirty to ensure they all get redrawn

sub display_close()
# Free all windows

sub display_dirty()
# The data structure has changed, so we will have to redraw

# Functions that generate HTML.
sub html_process_cell($)
# Process cell contents for HTML output
  my ($content) = @_;

  $content =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
  $content =~ s/</&lt;/g;
  $content =~ s/\n/<BR>\n/g;
  return $content;

sub html_table_cell($)
# Draw cell contents
  my ($cell) = @_;
  my $cursor = $ZZ{"$cell+d.cursor"} unless defined $ZZ{"$cell-d.cursor"};
  my $number = -1;
  my $content;

  while (defined $cursor)
  { $cursor = $ZZ{"$cursor-d.2"};  $number++; }
#  ($content) = split(/\n/, get_cell_contents($cell));	# Just the first line
# NOTE: We should probably handle containment if we're going to show the lot!
  $content = html_process_cell(get_cell_contents($cell));
  $content = "<FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF>$content</FONT>" if is_selected($cell);
  my $bgcolor = $BGCOLOR;
  $bgcolor = "#FFFF00" if is_clone($cell);
  $bgcolor = "#000000" if is_selected($cell);
  $bgcolor = "#00FF00" if $number == 1;
  $bgcolor = "#5F5FFF" if $number > 1;
  return "<TD BGCOLOR=$bgcolor>$content</TD>";

sub html_table_quad($)
# Draw a quad cell
  my ($cell) = @_;
  my $contents = "";
  # $MAXLEN = the maximum amount of cell contents we'll display
  my $MAXLEN = 5000;

  @_ = get_contained($cell);
  { $contents .= substr(get_cell_contents(shift), 0, $MAXLEN) . "\n"; }
  until (($#_ < 0) || (length($contents) >= $MAXLEN));
  $contents = html_process_cell($contents);
  return "<TD BGCOLOR=$BGCOLOR COLSPAN=$Hcells ROWSPAN=$Vcells>$contents</TD>";

sub html_table_layout($$$)
# Draw given display window from a layout
  my ($guide, $lref, $quad) = @_;
  my ($i, $j);
  my $table;

  for ($j = -$Vcells + 1; $j < $Vcells; $j++)
    $table .= "<TR>";
    for ($i = -$Hcells + 1; $i < $Hcells; $i++)
      if ($i == (-$Hcells + 1) && $j == (-$Vcells + 1))
      { $table .= "<TD>$guide</TD>"; }
      elsif ($quad && ($i == 0) && ($j == 0))
      { $table .= html_table_quad($$lref{"0,0"}); }
      elsif (!$quad || ($i < 0) || ($j < 0))
        if ($i % 2)
          if ($j % 2)
          { $table .= "<TD></TD>"; }
            my $x = int($i / 2) + $i % 2;
            my $y = int($j / 2) + $j % 2;
            if (defined $$lref{"$x-$y"})
            { $table .= "<TD>---</TD>"; }
            { $table .= "<TD></TD>"; }
          if ($j % 2)
            my $x = int($i / 2) + $i % 2;
            my $y = int($j / 2) + $j % 2;
            if (defined $$lref{"$x|$y"})
            { $table .= "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>|</TD>"; }
            { $table .= "<TD></TD>"; }
            my $x = int($i / 2);
            my $y = int($j / 2);
            my $cell = $$lref{"$x,$y"};
            if (defined $cell)
            { $table .= html_table_cell($cell); }
            { $table .= "<TD></TD>"; }
    $table .= "</TR>\n";
  return $table;

sub html_layout_window($)
# Redraw given display window
  my ($number) = @_;
  # Local variables
  my $curs = get_cursor($number);
  my $name = $ZZ{$curs};
  my $cell = get_lastcell($curs, "-d.cursor");
  $curs = $ZZ{"$curs+d.1"};
  my $right = $ZZ{$curs};
  $curs = $ZZ{"$curs+d.1"};
  my $down = $ZZ{$curs};
  $curs = $ZZ{"$curs+d.1"};
  my $out = $ZZ{$curs};
  my $raster = $ZZ{$ZZ{"$curs+d.1"}};
  my $quad = ($raster =~ /Q$/);
  my $window = "";

  # Draw window border, title and current cell number
  $window .= "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Zizl: $name Window</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
  $window .= "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#C0C0C0\"><CENTER>\n";
#  $window .= "<H1>$name Window ($raster)</H1>\n";
  $window .= "<TABLE CELLPADDING=5>\n";
  $window .= "<CAPTION ALIGN=TOP>$name Window ($raster)</CAPTION>\n";

#  {
#    addstr($win, $LINES - 2, int($COLS / 2) - length($cell) - 3, " $cell ");
#  }
#  else
#  {
#    addstr($Window[0], $LINES - 1, 1, " $Input_Buffer ")
#      if (defined $Input_Buffer) && ($number == 0);
#    addstr($win, $LINES - 1, int($COLS / 2) - length($cell) - 3, " $cell ");
#  }

  # Display dimension guide
#  my $guide =	"<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\"><PRE>" .
#		"+---> $right\n" .
#		"|\\\n" .
#		"|  \\| $out\n" .
#		"V  -+\n" .
#		"$down" .
#		"</PRE></FONT>";
  my $guide =	"<TABLE><TR><TD><IMG SRC=$GUIDE></TD>" .
		"<TD><FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">$right<BR>" .
		"<BR>$out</FONT></TD></TR>\n" .
		"<TR><TD><FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">$down</FONT></TD>" .

  # Display window contents.
  my %layout;
  if ($raster =~ /^H/)
  { layout_Hraster(\%layout, $cell, $right, $down); }
  { layout_Iraster(\%layout, $cell, $right, $down); }
  $window .= html_table_layout($guide, \%layout, $quad);

  $window .= "</TABLE>\n";
  $window .= "</BODY></HTML>\n";
  return $window;

sub html_start_page()
  my $page = "";
  my ($num, $curs);

  $page .= "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Zizl</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
  $page .= "<BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>\n";
  $page .= "<H1>Welcome to Zizl(tm)</H1>\n";
  for ($num = 0, $curs = get_cursor(0);
       defined $curs; $curs = $ZZ{"$curs+d.2"}, $num++)
  { $page .= "<H2><A HREF=$num TARGET=$num>$ZZ{$curs} Window</A></H2>\n"; }
  $page .= "</BODY></HTML>\n";
  return $page;

# Handle keyboard input.
# Named: input_*
sub input_get_any()
# Attempt to get any input
# NOTE: This function is also user interface toolkit specific!
#  my $key = getch();
#  if (($key eq "\e") && (($_ = getch()) ne -1))
#  { $key = meta_key($_); }
#  return $key eq -1 ? undef : $key;

sub input_get_direction()
# Attempt to get a direction key
  my $key;
  while (!defined($key = input_get_any())) {}  # Idle until we get a key

  if ($_ = $Keymap_Directions{$key})
  { @_ = split //; }
    # The key isn't a direction key
    user_error(1, $key);
    undef @_;

# Handle signals and errors

sub catchsig()
# Handle fatal signals
{ $Zigzag_Terminated = $_[0]; die "Terminated"; }

sub user_error($$)
# Handle user errors
  my ($errno, $text) = @_;

  # I feel like this next should be a global.  It's not.
  my @errors =
    "Key is not a valid keystroke",
    "Cannot insert - invalid neigbours",
    "Cannot jump to invalid or cursor cell",
    "Error executing cell",
    "Cannot hop - no neigbours",
    "Cannot jump to cell that does not exist",
    "Cannot break link - none exists",
    "Error opening file",
    "Cannot insert cells in selected dimension",

#  beep(); 
#  if ($errno and $USE_STATUSBAR)
#  {
#    $errno--;
#    my $errmsg = "Error $errno";
#    $errmsg .= ": $errors[$errno]" if $errno <= $#errors;
#    if ($text)
#    { display_status_draw(substr("$errmsg ($text)", 0, $COLS)); }
#    else
#    { display_status_draw(substr("$errmsg", 0, $COLS)); }
#  }
#  { display_refresh($Status); }
#  else
#  { display_refresh(); }

# Initialization functions

# Background functions, if any, can be executed here
sub idle()
  select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);        # sleep for 1/10 second

# Network helper function
sub html_send($$)
  my ($connection, $content) = @_;

  my $response = new HTTP::Response(RC_OK);

# Begin main.


# Set the interrupt handlers
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = \&catchsig;

while (my $connection = $daemon->accept)
  while (my $request = $connection->get_request)
    if ($request->method ne 'GET')
    { $connection->send_error(RC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); }
      my $path = $request->url->path;
      if ($path eq "/")
      { html_send($connection, html_start_page()); }
      elsif ($path =~ m#^/$GUIDE$#)
      { $connection->send_file_response($GUIDE); }
      elsif (my ($win) = ($path =~ m#^/(\d+)$#))
        my $content;
        eval { $content = html_layout_window($win) };
        if ($@)
        { $connection->send_error(RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $@); }
        { html_send($connection, $content); }
      { $connection->send_error(RC_FORBIDDEN); }
  undef $connection;
if ($Zigzag_Terminated)
{ print STDERR "Terminated by $Zigzag_Terminated signal\n"; }
{ die if $@; }

# End.